We will see you in:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Burg Strasse Tower

This is on the street in a little town next to Worms Germany where my brother Garry served his mission.

Stripped to the blocks

This is in the kitchen of the Frost home. The cabinets have all been removed and the walls stripped to the cinder blocks, read for a fresh coat of plaster. The plaster will not be smooth finished, but will be sanded and then a wall paper applied which looks like textured paint.


This is Markus und Mareike Teubner from the Heidelberg German ward in their town of Eberbach (Wild Boar on the River). Sister Teubner is the sister in law of one of the sister missionaries with whom we served at Temple Square. Small world.

River Ride

Carol and I on the Neckar River on a solar powered cruise ship. The Elders and Sisters went with us on P-Day.


Jeremy Pratt on the left (he is now in the MTC on his way to Arcadia California Spanish Speaking Mission) and Stefan Gierschke, a returned missionary who went to England on his mission.

Service Project

This is some of our YSA helping the Frost family (brother Frost in the foreground) renovate their first home. They are tearing down all the wood slats on the ceiling in the upper bedroom. They were not going to remove the wood slats, but they found mold behind them, and down they came. The youth did this all within one hour. Sister Frost's father was baptized in Neukoelln, Berlin Germany when I was a missionary in Neukoelln.

More Stained Glass

This is another stained glass window in the Church of the Protestation in Speyer, Germany. It is about 35 Kilometers southwest of Heidelberg. There are dozens of these beautiful stained glass windows in this building. It is quite modern, having only been built in the 19th century and into the 20th century.

Family Home Evening

Some of the YSA and missionaries at Family Home Evening in the cultural Hall. They sing a hymn (English or German), then have a prayerCarol cooks dinner for them, and afterwards there is a spiritual thought, then they play games or Wii or just sit around and talk. The missionries can only stay for this if they bring an investigator or an inactive YSA>

P-Day at the Schloss Heidelberg

This is our P-Day at the Heidelberg Castle. Elders Hewitt and Squires missed the notice on casual clothes. Elder Lindsay is the typical poser.

Heidelberg District Missionaries

This is a picture in front of the ward of the missionaries in our District. As you can see the sisters are in a threesome. Everyone is from Utah, except the Elder kneeling on the right(England), and the Elder second from the left standing (Virginia).

What is that?

On the side of the building, sticking out, is a little sanctuary or private chapel off of a bedroom. It sticks out the side of the building. Their is a little crucifix in there along with candles, etc. It is believed that no one can live higher than God, so therefore this little sanctuary of God sticks out from the side so no one can physcally live over the top of it, thus no man living higher than God. Next to it you see a dragon, which is a water spout directing the rains and melted snow away from the foundation of the building.

In between Conference Sessions

Some young adults, and some not so young adult, kicking back and waiting for the next session of General Conference. This is in the main room of the Institute just off the corridor. The pictures above the couch are of many of the young adults who come to the Center. They are no longer called Outreach Centers, but Centers for Young Adults.

General Conference Lunch

Carol fixed a lunch for the missionaries and young adults between General Conference sessions on Sunday. This is on the patio outside the Institute. The property next door shows the remnants of the pilings for portable buildings beloning to an International School.

Burg Eltz

As you can see it is another overcast day in Germany. This is the fortress castle north of Frankfurt am Main. The site and its surroundings form a symmetrical unit. The river Eltz flows around three sides of an elliptical rock crag, the foundation of the whole castle, and on this, towering up to 70 metres above the river, is the fortress. The builders took into account the natural conditions of the oval crag and this explains the strange shapes and floor plans of some of the rooms

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Heidelberg Church Building

This is looking southwest towards the Church building. The parking lot is out of stone blocks, as required in Germany. The darker lines in the stone blocks marks a parking space. The Institute is on the other side of the building, which is an exact duplicate of this side of the building (minus the parking lot) The Institute is where the other entrance would have been.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

German Ward

This is a little get together with the German ward after the block schedule. Once or twice a year they will all have a potluck dinner in the cultural hall. Brother and Sister Henckel in the bottom left, with the Frosts and their two children next to them. We are helping the Frosts renovate their new home.

Old Speyer Dom

This church is one of he oldest in Germany. It was started in 1036 and has been added onto and destroyed and rebuilt over the centuries. It has several different architectural styles. In beauty if can't even compare to the Church of the Protestation, but is an amazing building.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Stained Glas Windows

These are examples of the stained glass windows in the Church of the Protestation in Speyer


This is Sisters Mueller, Jensen and Moser across the street from the Church of the Protestation in downtown Speyer. It was built in the late 1800's. It is going through a refurbishing and retrofit.

More of Eberbach

Typical architecture in Eberbach.


This is a viw of an older downtown Eberbach (Wild Boar on the River). It is a beautiful old town.


This is looking out across the little town of Dilsberg.

Looking Out Across the Valley

This a a view from the tower in the old Fortress in Dilsberg. We are looking Northeast across the valley into Neckar Steinnach across the Neckar River.

Dilsberg Fortress

This is looking down from the tower in the old ruins of the Dilsberg Fortress. Dilsberg is a little town on the top of a mountain above the Neckar River and is surrounding by a wall. It is a quaint little town. It has two streets, named Upper Street and Lower Street.

Boat Cruise

Picture of Elder Squires, Hewett, Moser, Jensen and Mueller just after we took a cruise on the Neckar River.

VIew Across the Street

This is our view each morning as we come out of our apartment.